Wednesday 25 January 2017

Happy Republic Day

 Republic day 2017 in India will be celebrated on 26th of January, at Thursday. In 2017, India is celebrating its 68th Republic Day. First Republic Day of India was celebrated in 1950.Republic Day honors the date on which the Constitution of India came into force on 26 January 1950 replacing the Government of India Act (1935) as the governing document of India.

 The Constitution was passed on 26 November 1949 in the Constituent Assembly. It was adopted on 26 January 1950 with a democratic government system, when the country became a republic in true sense. 26 January was selected, because it was this day in 1930 when the Declaration of Indian Independence was passed.

The main Republic Day celebration is held in the national capital, New Delhi, at the Rajpath before the President of India. On this day, ceremonious parades take place at the Rajpath, which are performed as a tribute to India; its unity in diversity and rich cultural heritage.

Events and celebrations are organized with great effort by the Government of India already to celebrate the Republic Day in the Capital. A huge and grand military parade is held in the New Delhi at Rajpath as well as the state capitals. Participants from the Indian Army, Air Force, Navy and traditional dance group takes part in the parades. Team Wishing You Happy Republic Day 

Sunday 22 January 2017

Happy Subhash Chander Jayanti

Subhas Chandra Bose (23 January 1897 – 18 August 1945), was an Indian nationalist whose defiant patriotism made him a hero in India,but whose attempt during World War II to rid India of British rule with the help of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan left a troubled legacy.  The honorific Netaji (Hindustani: "Respected Leader"), first applied in early 1942 to Bose in Germany by the Indian soldiers of the Indiscreet Legion and by the German and Indian officials in the Special Bureau for India in Berlin, was later used throughout India.

Bose had been a leader of the younger, radical, wing of the Indian National Congress in the late 1920s and 1930s, rising to become Congress President in 1938 and 1939.However, he was ousted from Congress leadership positions in 1939 following differences with Mahatma Gandhi and the Congress high command

Bose arrived in Germany in April 1941, where the leadership offered unexpected, if sometimes ambivalent, sympathy for the cause of India's independence, contrasting starkly with its attitudes towards other colonized peoples and ethnic communities. In November 1941, with German funds, a Free India Center was set up in Berlin, and soon a Free India Radio, on which Bose broadcast nightly.

Indian National Congress, the main instrument of Indian nationalism, praised Bose's patriotism but distanced itself from his tactics and ideology,especially his collaboration with Fascism.The British Raj, though never seriously threatened by the INA,charged 300 INA officers with treason in the INA trials, but eventually backtracked in the face both of popular sentiment and of its own end. Team Wishing You Happy Subhash Chander Jayanti


Thursday 19 January 2017

Happy Swami Vivekananda Jayanti

Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902 C.E.) was a Hindu monk and a patriotic saint of India. According to English calendar he was born on 12th January 1863 into an aristocratic Bengali family of Calcutta. However his birthday is celebrated according to Hindu calendar and this day is known as Swami Vivekananda Jayanti.

Vivekananda was born on Krishna Paksha Saptami after seven days of Paush Purnima. As Jayanti day is decided based on Hindu calendar, it is not fixed on Gregorian calendar like Rabindranath Tagore Jayanti and Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti which are celebrated on fixed day on Gregorian calendar.

Swami Vivekananda was modern Hindu saint and follower of Vedanta philosophy of Hinduism. He was disciple of Ramakrishna. He founded Belur Math, Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission. Team Wishing You Happy Swami Vivekananda Jayanti