Wednesday 14 September 2016

Wishing You Happy Vishwakarma Day

Vishwakarma Day also known as Vishwakarma Jayanti or Vishwakarma Puja is a day of celebration for Vishwakarma, a Hindu god, the divine architect.He is considered as swayambhu and Creator of the world. He is also called the divine carpenter, is mentioned in the Rig Veda, and is credited with Sthapatya Veda, the science of mechanics and architecture.

Vishwakarma Day is mostly celebrated with complete enthusiasm in offices, workshops and factories in the industrial areas. Workshops in various factories have a festive look on this day and are decorated beautifully with Pandals which contain the deities and images of Lord Vishwakarma and his faithful elephant.

Industrial towns come alive with festivities and some factories also declare their annual bonus on this day. Puja Pandals are generally erected within factory premises and employees along with family members come together to spend the day with prayers and rituals, which is followed by the distribution of 'Prasad'. 

A feast is cooked and everyone takes lunch together. Kite flying competitions are also part of the festivities. Team Wishing You A Very Happy Vishwakarma day

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Thursday 8 September 2016

Wishing You Happy Grand Parents Day

Grandparents Day is a day for celebrating the connections between the generations, and its origin was decidedly noncommercial. I would argue that the holiday has remained fairly true to its roots

Many people assume that Grandparents Day resulted from lobbying by florists, greeting card companies and similar businesses. This idea could not be farther from the truth. 

National Grandparents Day is a secular holiday celebrated in the United States since 1978 and officially recognized in a number of countries on various days of the year, either as one holiday or sometimes as a separate Grandmothers' Day and Grandfathers' Day (for the first time Grandma's Day was celebrated in Poland in 1965, Team Wishing You A Day That's As Grand As You Both Are Happy Grandparents Day 

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Monday 5 September 2016

Wishing You Happy Teacher's Day

The day was marked for the celebration as Teachers’ Day since 1962 in respect and deference of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan who was born on 5th September, 1988. Dr. Sarvepalli  Radhakrishnan was a great scholar, philosopher and teacher of modern India and was awarded the Bharat Ratna in 1954. He became the second President of India in 1962.

 It was his wish that instead of celebrating his birth day on 5th of September every year, it would be better to celebrate it as Teachers’ Day in whole of India.

India’s teacher’s day is different from the World Teacher Day which is celebrated on 5th of October every year in whole world.

Seasonsway team Wishing you a Happy Teacher Day .A good teacher is like a candle its consumes itself to light the way for others.

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